Usher syndrome type 3
Usher syndrome type 3

Other means of communication, like sign language (Auslan), are needed.The person is profoundly deaf from birth.Each type is further divided into subtypes. These groups are called Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3. Usher syndrome is categorised into three broad groups according to the type and severity of symptoms.


proprioception system – special receptors in our muscles, joints and skin that sense the movement and position of the joints.When the head moves, the movement of the fluid tells the brain exactly how far, how fast and in what direction the head is moving, by relaying the information down the vestibular nerve vestibular system – a series of fluid-filled canals within the ear, set at different angles.This is because our ability to balance relies on information being sent to our brain from our: balance problems – can occur due to vision and inner ear impairments.Over time, their field of vision becomes smaller until they only have a ‘tunnel’ of central vision At first, a person with RP becomes ‘night blind’, meaning that they can no longer see in dim light.

usher syndrome type 3 usher syndrome type 3

RP is a form of eye disease that results in the gradual loss of vision over time, due to deterioration of the retina.

  • vision impairment leading to blindness – in Usher syndrome this is caused by retinitis pigmentosa (RP).
  • The symptoms and signs of Usher syndrome depend on the type, but generally include: Services aim to help the person and their family prepare for and cope with their vision and hearing loss. There is currently no cure for Usher syndrome. Type 1 and Type 2 account for approximately five per cent of all children born with a hearing impairment. Usher syndrome is categorised into three broad groups according to the type and severity of symptoms – Types 1, 2 and 3. Some people with Usher syndrome also experience problems with their balance. People with Usher syndrome often have partial or total hearing loss and a gradual vision loss caused by retinitis pigmentosa.

    usher syndrome type 3

    It is the most common genetic cause of combined vision and hearing impairment and deafblindness.

    Usher syndrome type 3